Premium Music Festival
2024. JÚLIUS 16-20.  

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Szalóki Ági Trió

Ági Szalóki has played together with the two excellent jazz guitarist-composers Gábor Juhász and Dávid Lamm for years. In their performance folk tradition mixes with the urban, Hungarian love songs with the ones of other nations, but still their roots are the same. Filled with longing, melancholic love songs, which contain the possibility of fulfillment. The songs accompanied by acoustic guitars are smooth, sensitive, and address the listener personally.

Ági Szalóki – vocal
Gábor Juhász – guitar
Dávid Lamm – guitar




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Primary Sponsors
Main media partner
Professional organizations
Rosé, Riesling and Jazz Days
Intézményi partnerünk

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