Premium Music Festival
2024. JÚLIUS 16-20.  

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Lantos Zoltán - Horváth Kornél duó

Zoltán Lantos violinist was drawn by experimental and eastern music since the beginning of his career. He traveled to India, to study classical Indian music. After nine years of studying, traveling, teaching and performing, he returned to Europe. While finding his own unique sound, he rediscovered his musical roots and blended it with eastern traditions he met along his journeys, while incorporating contemporary new waves of European Jazz as well.

Kornél Horváth, Kossuth Prize-winning percussionist contributed to an uncountable number of records of different genres, varying from jazz to pop and even rock music. He is one of the world's  best percussionist with his unique style. His imaginative approach makes him able to play on a vase or a wooden case, with the same brilliant virtuosity.




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Rosé, Riesling and Jazz Days
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